Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Some Catching Up

I guess we dropped off for a bit there.  We’ve had a whirlwind of activity and we’re finally starting to catch our breath.  We’ve written a couple posts here and there that have never gotten actually posted, so we’ll go ahead and get to it and hopefully bring ourselves up to present tense at some point.

Patrick was accepted to Columbia University in late May which set a whole series of events into motion.  For a few weeks we were unsure whether he would be able to start in the fall or would have to defer enrollment until a semester or even a year later.  Then a position opened up with my company in the New York office.  I interviewed and got the job in June.  By mid-July we had purged a lot of our belongings, packed what was left into a pod and shipped it off across the country.

We took our time driving, stopping to say goodbyes to family along the way.  We stopped first in Carlsbad to spend a little time with Norelle, Travis and Pleasant and touch the Pacific for one last time before setting off.  After a stop-off in El Paso we made our way to Patrick’s hometown of Corpus Christi.  We got a chance to visit with friends and family for a few days then took off for New York.  We took three days to make the drive so we wouldn’t be too overwhelmed by the process, stopping in New Orleans and then in Knoxville before arriving in Lancaster, PA where my parents are currently living.  We used Lancaster as our launching pad for our move, even though it is three hours away from the city and not the most convenient drive to make frequently.

Our move was not easy.  In fact, it was the most challenging time (to date) in either of our lives.  Thanks to the help of friends and family with every possible aspect of the move, we finally secured an apartment and moved in on September 1st.  Patrick started school three days later.

Since then, we’ve had our heads down, with Patrick studying all the time and me working.  When we’re not doing that, we’re out getting familiar with our city or in trying to get the place organized.  More to come!

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